Dlite and DLite IT from Elinchrom) Brand Model No. Lighting Set Up Plug in up to two (2) bi-voltage monolights/flash unit at full power Example: Two (2) Elinchrom DLite Plug in up to two (2) bi-voltage monolights/flash unit at full power Example: Two (2) Elinchrom DLite IT Plug in one (1) bi-voltage monolight/flash unit at full power Example: One (1) Elinchrom DLite / DLite IT Plug in multiple regular digital monolights/flash units at full power Example: Four (4) Elinchrom 600RX Plug in multiple regular analog monolight/flash units at full power Compatibility XT3 Mini XT SE XT 1200 * N N N N N N Example: Four (4) Photogenic PL750 *Note: (Applicable to Exp Mini 115V Model only, Exp Mini 230V Model can support 1 or more bi-voltage monolight, depending on the monolight model, ie. For Explorer XT3 and Mini, multiple bi-voltage and digital flash units are tested to be compatible. 1 Tronix Explorer XT3 / Mini/ XT SE / XT and 1200 Compatibility information = Flash/Monoblock Compatibility Chart and Lighting Set Up Tested with One (1) monoblock/flash unless otherwise specified.